Formation Process The formation program has academic, social, pastoral and spiritual elements all helping to “form” the man into the image of Christ the servant – not to be served but to serve. The formation program consists of four years leading to ordination and continuing formation following ordination.
Deacon Formation Team
Darren Eultgen
Mary Landry
Deacon Tim Maroney
Fr Jay Peterson
Deacon Tony Sandau
Deacon Pete Woelkers, Director of Formation
Six Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders: Permanent Deaconate on September 26th, 2021
From Right: Tom DePuydt, Ed Serrat, Bob Wiesner, Bishop Michael W. Warfel, Roy Brown, Blake Jensen, Brenton Seymour, Deacon Pete Woelkers
Candidates and Wives Currently in Formation Estimated ordination in 2024
Bob & Mary Wiesner, Mary Queen of Peace – Billings