Property Management
The Business office provides support for property management in collaboration with L’Heureux Page Werner, PC Architects, Catholic Mutual Group and local engineering firms, assisting the parishes and mission parishes in being good stewards of the land and building in their care. The services provided include, but are not limited to:
- Through the diocese, Catholic Mutual Group provides liability insurance on all properties owned by the Bishop on behalf of the parishes and mission parishes.
- In collaboration with L’Heureux Page Werner, PC Architects, Catholic Mutual Group and local engineering firms, the diocese offers advice and support to the parishes and mission parishes with local, county, state, and federal requirements, as well as offering engineering support for industrial hygiene, roofing and structural concerns, and geotechnical challenges.
- In collaboration with L’Heureux Page Werner, PC Architects, Catholic Mutual Group and local engineering firms, the Business office offers support and assistance in the development and implementation of new building projects.
- Oversees property tax exemptions and payments for all properties owned by the Bishop, held for the benefit of the various parishes and mission parishes, and other diocesan entities as appropriate.
- Negotiates, executes, and oversees a number of farm lands and leases in the name of the Bishop, held for the benefit of the various parishes and mission parishes.
- Negotiates, executes, and oversees the gas and oil, and mineral lease agreements on behalf of the Bishop, and those held on behalf of the various parishes and mission parishes.
- Assist with requests and processing procedures for the proper acquisition or alienation of property in accordance with civil and canon law as as well as with diocesan policy and procedures.
- Oversee all diocesan vehicle registrations and licensing for the Bishop and parishes and mission parishes throughout the diocese.