On July 1, 2021 Bishop Warfel appointed Fr. Dan Wathen Vicar General of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings. Once he was appointed by the bishop he became a Monsignor for as long as he holds the office (Pope Pius X (21 February 1905), Inter multiplices curas, #62). Monsignor Wathen was born and raised in Billings, Montana and is a graduate of Billings Central Catholic High School. He attended college at the Catholic University of America and seminary at the North American College in Rome. He was ordained in 2006 and has served as Parochial Vicar at St Pius X in Billings, St. Mary in Livingston, and Sacred Heart in Miles City, before becoming Pastor of St Benedict in Roundup and its missions, and now serves as Pastor of St. Jude Thaddeus in Havre.
The Vicar General of any diocese is a priest who is the “alter ego“ of the bishop, assists the bishop in his authority, and acts in the place of the bishop in his absence. Fr. Jay Peterson retired in June and had served as Vicar General for the past 23 years.