Man of the Shroud in Billings and Great Falls

The Man of the Shroud is a presentation on the Shroud of Turin. Well known Shroud expert, Jim Bertrand, will bring a replica of the Shroud as well as a one hour presentation so you can see for yourself one of the most studied artifacts in the world.

If indeed the Shroud of Turin is the historic burial cloth of Jesus, then it would be not only a relic/icon, but also an archaeological site of where Christianity was born. It could offer  the possibility of studying scientifically the physical and historical aspects of what happened in the Tomb of Christ, something that would be of great interest to both Christians and non-Christians alike.

St. Bernard Catholic Church – Billings, MT – July 18, 2022 @ 6:30PM- visit for tickets and more information

Holy Spirit Catholic Church- Great Falls, MT – Event details coming soon.
