“Cultivating Eucharistic Amazement” a huge blessing for the Diocese and the region

On May 5th and 6th, 2023, over 700 individuals joined together to celebrate Jesus’ presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  At this event Dr. Scott Hahn, Archbishop Alexander Sample, Bishop Michael Warfel, Bishop Jeffrey Fleming, and others presented talks on the gifts and graces received through the Eucharist.  Thank you to everyone who participated in and volunteered for this spectacular event.  A very special acknowledgement goes to the Diocesan Committee on Discipleship for their leadership in bringing this event to life.

As the National Eucharistic Revival now shifts to the parish level for June 2023 to June 2024, watch for opportunities within your local communities.  If you know of an event occurring at your local parish, please inform the chancery staff so that the event can get promoted through the diocesan website and social media platforms!

To hear from participants who attended the “Cultivating Eucharistic Amazement” event, visit the diocesan YouTube Channel at: youtube.com/@DioceseofGreatFallsBillings Be sure to subscribe to our channel while you are there!
