Background Checks
Background check process
All diocesan employees, parish employees, school employees and school volunteers must have a background check even if their duties do not include contact with minors. All diocesan and parish volunteers whose duties include contact with minors must have a background check. Individuals under the age of 18 do not have public court records and background checks should not be ordered for them. When working with children, volunteers under the age of 18 must be visually and physically supervised by an adult who is Safe & Sacred trained.
At present the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings uses ScreeningOne® to complete background checks. These checks contain both a statewide and federal criminal records check and Social Security Trace. Background checks must be renewed every 5 years.
NOTE: NO CREDIT CHECK is ever done as part of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings ScreeningOne® background check package. For a summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please click on this link: or write to: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552
Background Check Form
The background check is part of the training process through Safe & Sacred. When creating a profile in the system, you are directed to the ScreeningOne® on-line site to complete your application.
Background Check Forms
Background Check Requirements
Volunteers are not paid. If a person is paid, they are an employee and required as a condition of employment to have a background check and complete the Safe & Sacred training successfully before starting employment – even if their duties do not include contact with minors.
Adults (Age 18+) Parish and Diocesan Volunteers:
• ScreeningOne background check & Safe & Sacred training required before beginning volunteer duties
• Anyone that may ever (even once) work with minors/vulnerable adults alone in unsupervised settings (defined as not being under the supervision of a safe environment trained employee or other volunteer)
Examples include but are not limited to:
• Faith Formation (CCD) DRE’s, teachers, substitutes, regular classroom aides; one-on-one tutors/mentors
• Home bound ministers to the sick
• Altar server trainers, children’s liturgy volunteers (during Mass), children’s choir directors, members of choirs where children participate
• All drivers, including bus drivers, parish van drivers, etc.
• All chaperones for all on-site, off-site and overnight field trips/lock-ins/retreats; childcare volunteers
• Anyone tasked with supervisory or disciplinary responsibilities, including coaches
Minors (Under Age 18):
• Not required to have a background check (until after turning 18)
• Should always be supervised (visually and physically) by Safe & Sacred trained employee /volunteer
• Cannot be a Faith Formation/CCD teacher/chaperone/babysitter – may assist Safe & Sacred trained employee/volunteer
• Never left along with other minors/vulnerable adults for any reason
• Cannot take younger minors to the restroom, etc.
• No supervisory or disciplinary responsibility; always defer to supervising employee/volunteer
• In the capacity of a volunteer, may never drive others to/from parish/diocesan/school events
• Anyone invited to speak/perform when minors/vulnerable adults are present must be under constant supervision by a Safe & Sacred trained employee/volunteer, but do not need a background check unless the Pastor/Diocesan personnel sees a need (refer to Diocesan Speaker Policy)
• Parish/Diocesan/School committee members do not need a background check unless they ever work with minors/vulnerable adults in an unsupervised setting
• Parents, guardians, parishioners, members of the public attending or volunteering at public events do not need a background check. These events may include but are not limited to: public retreats, programs, concerts, fundraisers, meals, Masses. At all public events it is assumed that parents/guardians will supervise their own children even though there may be supervision by parish, diocesan or school employees or volunteers